Tips for growing peppers
From fruity sweet peppers in rainbow shades of yellow, orange, or red to habaneros hot enough to bring tears to your eyes, all peppers share a preference for a long, warm growing season. Set out transplants a week or two after your last frost, when the weather is settled and warm. While cool weather reigns, keep your seedlings indoors at night, and move them to a protected sunny spot outdoors during the day.
Peppers may be sweet and mellow or fiery hot, depending on variety. By growing an assortment of varieties, you can have mild, meaty peppers for salads or stir-fries, slightly spicy peppers for fresh salsas, and hot peppers for bold jolts of flavour.
When choosing pepper varieties, include a range of both flavours and fruit sizes. Under hot summer conditions, varieties that bear huge fruits may shed their blossoms, but small, thin-walled peppers often keep going strong. Small-fruited peppers also ripen faster, which is important in cool climates where summers are short.
As peppers change from green to yellow, orange, or red, both their flavour and their vitamin content improves dramatically. People who think they don’t like peppers often change their minds once they have tasted fully ripened, garden-grown peppers.
Peppers are easy to grow in any sunny, well-drained spot, and they are good candidates for roomy containers, too. Peppers have a naturally upright growth habit, so they often benefit from staking, which keeps brittle branches from breaking when they become heavy with fruit.
Colourful peppers also make great additions to beds planted with flowers and other edible ornamentals, where they can easily serve as specimen plants. In beds or rows, space plants 18 to 24 inches apart.
Peppers grow best in a near-neutral soil with a pH between 6.2 and 7.0, although they can tolerate slightly alkaline conditions near 7.5. Mix a 3- to 5-inch layer of compost into each planting hole, as shown in the step-by-step planting directions. A generous amount of organic matter helps the soil retain moisture, and moist soil is crucial for good pepper production. After planting, mulch each plant to keep the soil cool and moist.
Peppers have few serious pest problems, and common pepper diseases can be prevented by growing resistant varieties. Plants that look frail and stringy may be infected with viruses, which are spread by aphids and other small insects. Chronically thirsty peppers may be troubled by root-knot nematodes.
One other potential problem is a late cold spell in spring. If planting is delayed while you await better planting conditions, place 2 inches of moist potting soil in 6-inch-wide containers, gently break open the bottoms of the peppers’ pots, and nestle the seedlings into the soil about 1 inch deep. A bit of extra downward growing room will ensure that the plants’ primary taproots have ample space for expansion. Later on, after summer heats up, this taproot becomes a pepper plant’s lifeline.
Hot weather can cause bell peppers to pause, but just keep watering and caring for your plants. They will come back as soon as nights cool.
Use pruning shears or a sharp knife to cut peppers with a short stub of stem attached. Pulling peppers by hand usually causes entire branches to break off. Rinse peppers with water, pat dry, and then store them in your refrigerator. Fruits that are not eaten fresh can be dried, frozen, or pickled. Peppers harvested in cool fall weather that have just begun to change colors will often continue to ripen when kept in a warm room indoors for up to 3 days. Watch for signs of softening, and promptly refrigerate fruits that begin to shrivel.
Most pepper plants hold numerous green fruits when the first freeze kills the plants. Very immature peppers often taste bitter, so it is better to compost them than to serve them for dinner.
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