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Rio Plant

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3 rio dipladenia pots in red, white, and pink

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      Frequently Asked Questions

      white rio dipladenia plant in pot

      Fernlea is a wholesale grower of garden plants, you can visit our Where to Buy page to find a retailer near you.

      Treat your Rios as annuals in cooler climates, they will not survive a frost.

      These hibiscus rosa sinensis are intended for enjoying as garden plants or indoor plants and are not intended for human consumption, we do not recommend eating hibiscus or using them to make tea.

      Yes, our Fabulous Ferns grow well in shade to part sun. Most annuals do like part or full sun to grow healthy plants with lots of blooms.

      To build your own beautiful planters visit Fernlea’s Awesome Accents, a line of gorgeous accents plants and Garden Tropics for eye catching center plants.